Explorations - Expeditions

We have a highly specialized and experienced team in different disciplines for cutting-edge expeditions and explorations.

We have the latest technology to access the most difficult and inhospitable places:
  • special equipment against lethal elements
  • caving equipment
  • climbing
  • survival
  • all the exploration works are complemented with equipment of photography and filming

Underwater Archaeological Explorations

We combine archaeological history, science and technology for the recovery, study, classification and dating of submerged heritage.

We use Robots and Side Scan Sonar, one of the most effective tools for underwater exploration of large areas, capturing detailed images of any object on the seabed even if the water is somewhat murky.

We have special underwater equipments:

  • sonnars
  • submarine robots
  • specials cameras

Air Archaeological Explorations

Hugo Quiñones, Pilot Explorer (Pi Rambla Heritage, Division Explorer) resarch archaeological areas for difficult-to-access.

Hugo has served the United Nations in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations for 19 years, assigned to various international missions in Africa and Asia.

He currently collaborates with our foundation in the exploration department.

Underwater Exploration

Archaeology & Environment

Special exploration team of Pi Rambla Heritage